August 30, 2010

Christmas Gift to your neighborhood

Hi Everybody,

With Christmas just around the corner (can you believe it, only 4 months), here is a thought. Instead of buying a gift for your husband, grandparents, brother, sister, etc. donate a bag of groceries to your local food bank in their names or go through your closets and pull out clothes you no longer wear (especially old coats). Also, think about school age kids, for $10 or $15 you could donate new clothes. There are families in every community that are going hungry or don't have proper clothing for the winter season. Check with your local Marine Recruiting Center to see if they will accept new children's clothing in with their Toys for Tots Program. If people in every town get together we can all do our part in helping our country out of this tough economic time.

That being said, Brya's Specialty Gift Baskets has made their Christmas commitment to help at a local woman's shelter with soaps, bath salts and lotions. Every woman deserves to feel special and pampered!

With every soap, lotion, bath salts and salt or sugar scrub purchased 5% will be donated to Wise Options for Women in Williamsport, PA which is a shelter for battered women and their children.

Please help me to help them - use coupon code thankyou10

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all.
Thank you


August 27, 2010

Safe Cosmetics Act or H.R. 5786

OK is it just me or does anybody else think our government is getting way carried away with new laws that are supposed to protect us or make our lives better, safer?

Take the Safe Cosmetics Act that the "Powers that be" are working on. Is Congress/President/Whoever is running this country TRYING to put the small independent business's out of buisness? If that is the agenda then please by all means vote to pass this into law. But DON'T say that you are trying to protect the American people. The small business's in the cosmetic industry believe in and make safe cosmetics and take extreme care to use ingredients that are natural and safe for use on skin and hair.

Each and every American uses cosmetics - Soap, perfume, deodorant, lip balm, toothpaste, shampoo, lotion, bubble bath, shower gel and the list goes on and on and on. Now of course we the consumer and the independent soap/lotion small cosmetic business owner want safe products. That being said, handing this huge cosmetic industry over to the FDA who will then have the authority to regulate ingredients. Also read effect legislation that end up requiring the small business owner to raise prices, fewer natural ingredients and give fewer product choices. Not to mention the difficulty in understanding the product labels.

The small business owner who makes natural soaps such as Brya's Specialty Gift Baskets and hundreds of others will be required to report annual sales figures, names of all suppliers and details of our soap recipes and formulations which will then become public information.

Small cosmetic companies like myself started business because of a desire for better quality ingredients in their soaps. We use food grade Olive Oil, Sunflower Oil, Coconut Oil, Essential Oils made from plants (leaves, roots, flowers etc.

Since our politicians have no problem calling and emailing during election years, lets get our voices heard! Call, Write or Email your elected Senator and Congressman, tell them to vote NO on the Safe Cosmetics Act H.R. 5786


August 26, 2010

Bonanzle & Etsy Stores

Well the newest thing to rock my world is Kyra now age 5, she starts kindergarten in a week and I have been trying to figure out how she has gotten this old so fast. I am sure she was only born a year ago, It can't possibly have been 5 years. Kids are so amazing, funny and clever, she has been learning Spanish thanks to Dora the Explorer and Diego and the Lilly Doll she got when she was 3. How do these kids get so smart so fast?

Ky has just started playing soccer and is just too cute in her little soccer cleats and uniform. I can't wait to watch their first "Game" should be a hoot since there are only 4 kids on her team. Aubrey, her mom, is assistant coach and is really taking this responsibility seriously. She gets on the 'Net and checks out soccer drills and ways to get the most from her small players. There is no goalie and when they play the first game it will be against a team that only has 4 players also. I am expecting just to see a bunch of cute kids in uniforms running up and down the field. When my son played, AYSO at age 7 (they didn't have soccer for really young kids)the kids in the back field would be crouched down playing in the dirt. Parents were all hysterical with laughter


August 25, 2010

New Baby Item

Have you ever an idea for a product only to have said product fight you every step of the way?? I am trying to create a slice of "Cheesecake" using a baby Onesie and a pair of baby socks. Grrr it is not coming together. Please everybody send happy thoughts or a stick so I beat said onesie into my cheesecake shape.

What do you do when things just don't come out like you want? How do you persevere and make things happen, not just in business but in your personal life also?


August 24, 2010

Introducing Sugar Cookie Scrub

Who doesn't like the yummy smell of fresh baked sugar cookie? OK Dieters don't have to admit that they are closet cookie eaters. This Sugar Cookie Scrub is guaranteed to be a no calorie treat. Just imagine, something that is good for you and yet won't add any pounds. My Sugar Cookie Scrub is made with premium oils and high quality fragrance oils and Turbinado Sugar which is light brown or golden in color due to the molasses content.

The way to use my Salt or Sugar Scrubs (or any scrub for that matter) it to spoon a tablespoon or two into a dixie cup (no glass of course). That is what you are going to take into the shower, not the whole container of scrub. Rince your body and scoop a small amount of scrub then gently rub over arms, legs & torso. DO NOT use scrubs on your face or other delicate areas as they are to abrasive. Rinse with warm water and follow with your favorite soap (Brya's Bath Soap of course) then PAT, DO NOT RUB, and while still damp smooth on moisturizing lotion. This will keep your skin smooth, soft and hydrated during your day.


August 23, 2010

Getting into a Retail Store

Wow, this is so exciting!

Brya's Specialty Gift Baskets. LLC is going to be in an upscale Baby Boutique... I am to excited to sit still. The boutique, Baby Gigi's Boutique is in Indiana and will be opening late this fall, around November. Now all I have to do is make enough Baby Bouquets & Planters, Soaps & Bath Salts so I can fill my inventory for the store and still have inventory for the 5 craft shows I have scheduled from September to December.

I still need to come up with a nice clothing tag that catches the eye and a new soap just for this occasion. How about a Pomegranate Soap and matching Bath Salt? That sounds yummy, doesn't it?
