Since I have been tied to my house by snow, snow, ice and more snow, I have started searching some of my social networking sites to find some amazing women and the businesses they have created. I plan on placing orders with all of these ladies in the future for myself and for gifts. If and when you have time be sure to check their websites out. Beth makes wonderful story puzzles & is working on making puzzles out of your pictures. You provide the names of your child/grandchild and add some friends and your city, neighborhood and she makes a personalized puzzle out of that information. Kim designs custom announcements, cards, invitations and more. I am checking with her to get some Loyalty Cards for my Handmade, Cold Processed Soaps. I have seen a Christmas Card that she designed and it was so pretty that I still have it hanging on my 'fridge. Kandi makes the most yummy candle melts that I have ever smelled!! Full of fragrance that just doesn't quit and no dyes... this is a Must See site.
My last recomendation is Rachel and Steve make some adorable dolls and bunnies, the Raggedy Ann and Andy sets are SOOO cute and my Grand-daughter loves hers. Their wooden pieces are so useful, like the peg boards and wooden shelves just wonderful to help train your kids to hang up their coats and shirts. The shelves are nice to hold their small treasures as well as their coats.
Seriously, check out these sites
