The donations will be made every quarter, if you wish to add the name of a friend or loved one I will add that to the donation letter. To the effect that letter will be a testament to people lost or who have survived or who are still fighting any form of Cancer. My Mother passed away from Ovarian Cancer and my best friend is fighting Breast Cancer, those two will be on the very first donation list. It seems that every person in America knows someone who has had Cancer, the treatment for this disease is as bad as the disease itself and the cost is astronomical. The time to cure it is Now!
PLEASE HELP MAKE A DIFFERENCE!! Join your local For The Cure Group or Relay For Life. Hold a Bake Sale and donate all proceeds to a Cancer Foundation! How about a Car Wash? Summer is coming... how about a Pet Wash! All of these ideas would be a lot of fun for both kids and pets alike.

HI I stopped by to read your blog and glad I did. Our daughter is planning to walk here in the 3 day walk in November in California. We are so proud of her and making sure that we help her raise the money needed to do this. Of course I will donating some of my items for her to have a raffle...Kudos to you for reminding us about how important this is