I don't usually enter contest because I am not the lucky type of person who wins in contests. As an example, my maiden name is unusual and for years growing up in my home town we were the only family with that name. When I turned 16 ang got my drivers license my Mom took a chance on a car that the Lions Club was chancing off. My neighbor came rushing over 1 month later telling my Mom that her daughter won the car. We were so excited, when I got home from school I went to my neighbor and asked what I had to do to get my car. He said, "Well Deb, all you have to do is.... I said my name is Diane not Deb....he said are you sure? Yeah, been Diane all my life....Well then, I am so sorry but you didn't win the car it was won by a woman who moved into my town and bought a Lions Club Ticket and she won my car.
That being said, I am on a mission to win this cute set of Raggedy dolls. My grand daughter would love them. Rachel is so talented, I have tried to sew these dolls and it was a disaster. You have to check out these cute little dolls, just click here http://ourcreativehands.blogspot.com/ and join the contest...

Dianne thank you so much for that lovely promotion to my giveaway.... You are so sweet.Matter of fact I am sending you a set of the dolls....I have just received your sample lavendar soap that I just adore it makes my whole house smell so beautiful and since the cold rainy weather keeps us indoors the soap scent is a breath of fresh air to me.... I love it thank you. I want you to make sure and email me your address I have one on the card but want to make sure this is correct. Don't want anyone else getting my dolls who are meant for you♥ Rachel