I was checking my emails on Thursday, April 21, 2011 and was SO surprised. The Versatile Blogger Award is my very first award and I am so grateful for this award!!
Thank you Rachel from
Our Creative Hands Blog and Lisa from My Colorful Treasures Web Design Blog for presenting me with this award,
I appreciate it very much. If you haven't stopped by to visit Our Creative Hands blog and
Website you really need to do so.... Rachael is such a talented lady and very generous with her
time and friendship. Her wooden products look SO cute and let me tell you her Raggedy Ann
and Andy dolls are Absolutely Adorable!! Seriously, stop by and say HI and be sure to check out both Rachel's blog and website
The rules after excepting this award:
Thank the person who awarded you.
Divulge 7 things about yourself.
Award 15 discovered bloggers.
7 Things About Me:1. I have the sweetest dog in the entire Universe. Sierra will be 6 in August and considers
herself to be my protector, best friend, best snuggler and the worlds best bunny hunter :o)
2. My Grand-daughter, Kyra is the smartest little girl in the world. She is also going to be 6 also
and has already learned to speak some Spanish. Imagine being bi-lingual at 6.
3. I have a wonderful "boy"friend who is very supportive of my business and helps me with
setting up and tearing down my craft shows.
4. I am from the beautiful state of Pennsylvania and live in Williamsport which is known for
being the Birthplace of Little League and every August we host the World Series.
5. I am a total Movie Hound, from oldies like Casablanca to the Harry Potter Series I love almost
any movie except for the Slash and Trash stuff like Saw, Halloween etc.
6. I am also an avid reader and have my Kindle DX that I take everywhere. It is nice to carry
100+ books on the plane and never have to worry about what to read and when I am waiting
in the doctors office I never have to read 6 month old magazines.
7. My life's dream is to be a professional tourist....I love vacationing and visiting new places.
Washington State is lovely and Mt Rainier and Mt. St. Helens are a must see! So is
Yellowstone National Park, Glacier, Zion and Bryce Parks. Take advantage of this beautiful
country of ours and see some totally amazing sites.
OK Now for the hard part 15 blogs to choose and honor.
And The Versatile Blogger Award goes to..................
My Colorful Treasures Web Designs
2. The Soap Bar
3. Little Lady Bug Design
4. The Sample Shoppe
5. The Soap Queen
Unfortunately, these are the only blogs I read and don't know any others yet.
