October 25, 2011

Creme Brulee is not just a dessert

OK for everyone who loves Creme Brulee, this yummy calorie ridden confection is not just a dessert! It is a yummy smelling soap also, filled with the fragrance of this carmalized custard and the ground vanilla beans on top add the appearance of torched sugar. Packed with loads of high quality, food grade oils like Olive Oil, Organic Palm, Sunflower & Soy this soap will leave your skin feeling super hydrated and have the added bonus of having your hubby or boyfriend want to snack on your arm :o)

I am still working on finding the perfect natural shampoo but this little chore is fighting me every step of the way. Sure do wish I could figure out how to make coconut milk last longer that 1 or 2 weeks. That was my favorite shampoo but I could only make it in tiny batches and by the time I made the stuff and shipped it to Florida for a friend to test (thank you Bruna) it was already a week into the shelf life time frame.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Website: http://www.bryassoapbox.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/bryassoapbox
Twitter: http://twitter.com/bryassoapbox

October 17, 2011

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween from Sierra and I,

After spending the Entire weekend making bath salts I have come up with some really yummy holiday scents. No there will be no football fragranced bath salts, although that is an idea to make young boys actually want to take a bath. But how about Spiced Plum or Gingerbread?

Along with those two new salts, I have been working on Shampoo - for some strange reason that is giving me a fit. Of the recipes I have tried 1 was really nice but the coconut milk that was part of the ingredients made the shelf life way to short, only 7 to 10 days. The others that I tried made my hair and that of a friend who helped test this product either sticky or stactic-e (ok that may not be the way to spell that but you get the idea).

I am going to try a walnut shampoo recipe next to see how that goes. When I get my recipe down I think that it will be contest time. The time frame is that I am looking at will be
around December 1.

So to enter the contest, you have to do 2 simple things; sign up for my newsletter where you will get news of new products and specials and send me an email with newsletter in the subject line. When you send me the email add your mailing address and receive a surprise gift. Don't forget, www.bryassoapbox.com, where you can get natural bath and body products that you and your family will love.

Website: http://www.bryassoapbox.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/bryassoapbox
Twitter: http://twitter.com/bryassoapbox

September 22, 2011

Shampoos, Soaps and Ingredients

The newest product at Bryas Soap Box is Shampoo, natural and organic for beautiful hair without all the chemical additives. Coconut Honey Mango and Walnut are 2 that I have made so far. I am still amazed at the stuff that is in the bath products that you find in the grocery stores. From the bar soap and body wash to lotions and shampoos, all of it is full of chemicals and totally unpronounceable ingredients.

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate and Sodium Laureth Sulfate are both chemicals that are used in products that we expect to foam up. Soaps, shampoos and toothpaste are among familiar products that we use every day that foams and bubbles. Why are these 2 products something to be concerned about? Maybe because you can find these chemicals in products that are at the local car wash or products that you use to clean the floor of your garage. They strip the oil off the floor of the garage the same way they strip the oil off you skin.

Cocamidopropyl Betaine is a synthetic surfactant and has been associated with allergies and skin irritation.

These are only 3 of the ingredients in Pantene Shampoo as well as almost every shampoo on the market. It is past time that consumers start demanding better and safer ingredients in our bath and beauty products.

You need to read the back of the products you buy, Oh believe me I know what a pain in the butt that is!!! It seems that no matter what you are going to buy you have to read the label, from the packaged food you eat to the make up you wear. If you can't pronounce the ingredients then maybe you should think twice before eating it or using it on your hair or body.

Check out the ingredients in my soap, the hardest to pronounce word is Saponified and that word means the blending of Lye, Water and Oils. All cold processed soap is made with Lye, normally the wording will be Sodium Hydroxide.

Buy Natural Hand Made, Cold Processed Soap, and of course I am going to tell you to buy from Bryas Soap Box. Spread the news, talk about natural products to your friends, family, co-workers.... Happy Bathing

Website: http://www.bryassoapbox.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/bryassoapbox
Twitter: http://twitter.com/bryassoapbox

August 15, 2011

New Website Now Live

My new website has just gone LIVE.... A Great Big Thank You to Lisa of My Colorful Treasures Web Design for all the hard work she put into designing Bryas Soap Box. I would like to invite everyone to stop and check out http://www.bryassoapbox.com and to sign up for my monthly newsletter. I will be doing a Halloween Contest where you could win my handmade candle melts and a Christmas Contest where you could win a 3 pack of Christmas soap.

Website: http://www.bryassoapbox.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/bryassoapbox
Twitter: http://twitter.com/bryassoapbox

July 22, 2011

Spam and Scam Emails

I just know this is a topic that is annoying to just about everyone in the universe not just out world... You know the emails I am talking about

There are the ones that seem to come from someone you know and it turns out to be a pharmaceutical company who is trying to sell you Viagra or Cialis or some other drug. Gee thanks but if I want to medicate myself I will go to my doctor...

How about the ones that you receive that are your own email address but it is for all sorts of things from medication to "you just one and Ipad" and it goes to your entire email contact list... Someone needs to get beat for that one.

Or the emails that make you think someone is placing an order only to find that it is an ad for weight loss pills, shakes or some other nonsense.

The internet offers so much in the way of instant information at the touch of a few buttons. The ability to shop anywhere in the world just give me (a complete stranger) your credit card information. Email lets you chat with family, friends and prospective business customers in a matter of minutes. The problem with all of this is the danger that lies beneath the surface, we must all be aware that the person we are in contact may not be who he/she says they are. Predators abound and they want everything from your children to your entire identity.

Keep watch on the kids and what they are doing on the internet, check their browsing history and their emails. Never assume that whoever they are talking to is safe, that is how tragedy strikes. Be vigilant and keep all your personal information to yourself or make sure the website you are dealing with is secure and remember that NO computer is Hack Proof. Pay with a credit card NOT your debit card when shopping online that way if someone hacks your credit card they can't get into your bank account. Maybe even consider joining a credit watch, someone who will monitor your credit rating and advise if anyone is trying to take over your identity.

I have actually had my credit card company call me and ask me to call them back. I was asked to call the number on the back of my credit card and ask for customer service. When I did, the rep asked if I could verify the last 5 transactions she showed I made on the card. Of course I didn't think much of it until she started to read the charges and amounts. The oldest amount was the one she started with first, it was for $ .26 cents, $1.59, $34.75, $187.99 and $479.80 the last was for Victoria's Secret store in Washington State - I am in Pennsylvania. I said NO to all the charges and the card was immediately cancelled.

Website: http://www.bryassoapbox.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/bryassoapbox
Twitter: http://twitter.com/bryassoapbox

June 22, 2011

Canine Cookies

As everybody knows starting a business is no easy task. Denise's husband has started The Canine Cookie Shoppe and makes homemade treats for dogs. I started about 10 years ago making my treats for Puffin the Poodle, my boyfriends dog. When I made the first batch of treats, Jim said Puff would never give up Milk Bones for a homemade treat. Boy was he wrong, Puff enjoyed homemade treats so much that I started making them for my grand-puppies and the dogs of all the guys I work with.
After a while I thought I would like to get into this as a business...... My feet, arms, wrists and back all started to protest. Finally I decided that there was a business out there that I would get as much enjoyment out of but that would not make me whimper in pain. I now enjoy making soap and bath products and will leave yummy cookie making to companies like The Canine Cookie Shoppe.
My Sierra is drooling over the order I just placed with The Canine Cookie Shoppe http://www.thecaninecookieshoppe.com Denise and her husband is doing a special of 3 dozen cookies for $15.00 and that includes shipping!!! Wow that is a deal!!
For anyone who makes homemade doggy treats you know what a job that is. I make Sierra treats only on special occasions, her birthday or Christmas, there is just so much work involved. When I make her cookies I bake enough to be able to supply cookies to my English Bullie grand-puppy Tank, Dailey, Saber and Sophie three Goldens (I work with their Dads), and Rocky and Maverick giant Newfies (their Mom and Dad own my office). By the time I am finished baking their treats my back is tired from bending over the kitchen table, my hands and arms are sore from rolling out dough and my feet are tired and aching.
Denise and her hubby just got their shoppe opened and I hope all doggie owners/lovers stop by and check her site out. IThe is so cute and Denise says they will be adding other flavors. Since she is offering the special deal on 3 dozen cookies Sierra will be getting to try Parmesan Cheese (I might have to get a nibble of this cookie), Peanut Butter and Honey (let's all say yum on this cookie) and Carrots, Parsley and Garlic (that will help keep those pesky fleas away)
K Denise start helping your hubby bake, I just know you are going to get tons of orders! Good luck my new friend and great website!

Website: http://www.bryassoapbox.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/bryassoapbox
Twitter: http://twitter.com/bryassoapbox

June 11, 2011

Winner of Contest

And the winner of the "Name That Soap" Contest is.........

Janine From The Sample Shoppe so the new name for my soap is "Springtime Dream"

She will be getting a Small Spa Basket filled with 1 bar of the new Springtime Dream and 2 other soaps of her choice.

Thank all of you who entered and I hope you will all enter the next contest.

Website: http://www.bryassoapbox.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/bryassoapbox
Twitter: http://twitter.com/bryassoapbox

June 4, 2011

Business Cards

I found a great company to design my business cards, loyalty cards, and any other card I need (Christmas, announcements, invitations, etc). Check out Little Ladybug Designs the website is http://www.littleladybugdesigns.com and Kim is amazing with her design work. She is very friendly and easy to work with and cares about what her client wants.

So if you need a custom announcement or any kind of card - check out Kim's work!

Website: http://www.bryassoapbox.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/bryassoapbox
Twitter: http://twitter.com/bryassoapbox

May 18, 2011

Name That Soap Extended

The closing date for my Name That Soap Contest has been extended and will end on June 11 with Random.org choosing the winner.

In extending the contest I am hoping that will give more people the opportunity to join in the naming. I have been asked if I will accept entrys for either Twitter or Facebook as some people do one or the other. Yes I will allow entries if you do not use one of the two Facebook or Twitter. So Please, Enter the contest and enjoy the fun of coming up with an interesting soap name.

Good luck to all who enter

Website: http://www.bryassoapbox.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/bryassoapbox
Twitter: http://twitter.com/bryassoapbox

May 9, 2011

Name That Soap

OK It's Contest Time! Name That Soap and win a Small Spa Basket filled with a bar of the new soap plus 2 more of your choice from my website. The basket is made from a soft white face towel that will hold your soaps.

This is the first one for my Blog. Here are the rules, very simple and easy to do just 3 steps:

1) Leave a comment on this post and the name you would like the new soap to be called then follow my blog
2) Like me on Facebook http://facebook.com/pages/Bryas-Baskets/185425637180
3) Follow me on Twitter https://twitter.com/#!/bryasbaskets

Name That Soap is of course to name my newest soap. It is in the process of being made even as we speak - I mean write :O) We are coming into Spring, finally, and the flowers and trees are starting to bud and get ready to blossom.

I have a beautiful soap soon to be ready to use and it needs a name as pretty as the soap is. Yes I know it is difficult to name a soap without being able to see it or smell it but try to imagine all these fragrances lightly combined.

The notes (scents) of Fruity berry and apple, fresh floral, greenery, plumeria, gardinia, jasmine and peach with just a touch of musk and coconut. This soap is sweet, floral and complex in its fragrance.

I will be running this contest until May 31 and the winner will be picked by Random.org. When you leave your comment please include your email so I can get in touch with you if you win.

Thank you and good luck

Website: http://www.bryassoapbox.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/bryassoapbox
Twitter: http://twitter.com/bryassoapbox

April 23, 2011

Versatile Blogger Award

I was checking my emails on Thursday, April 21, 2011 and was SO surprised. The Versatile Blogger Award is my very first award and I am so grateful for this award!!

Thank you Rachel from Our Creative Hands Blog and Lisa from My Colorful Treasures Web Design Blog for presenting me with this award,
I appreciate it very much. If you haven't stopped by to visit Our Creative Hands blog and
Website you really need to do so.... Rachael is such a talented lady and very generous with her
time and friendship. Her wooden products look SO cute and let me tell you her Raggedy Ann
and Andy dolls are Absolutely Adorable!! Seriously, stop by and say HI and be sure to check out both Rachel's blog and website

The rules after excepting this award:
Thank the person who awarded you.
Divulge 7 things about yourself.
Award 15 discovered bloggers.
7 Things About Me:1. I have the sweetest dog in the entire Universe. Sierra will be 6 in August and considers
herself to be my protector, best friend, best snuggler and the worlds best bunny hunter :o)

2. My Grand-daughter, Kyra is the smartest little girl in the world. She is also going to be 6 also
and has already learned to speak some Spanish. Imagine being bi-lingual at 6.

3. I have a wonderful "boy"friend who is very supportive of my business and helps me with
setting up and tearing down my craft shows.

4. I am from the beautiful state of Pennsylvania and live in Williamsport which is known for
being the Birthplace of Little League and every August we host the World Series.

5. I am a total Movie Hound, from oldies like Casablanca to the Harry Potter Series I love almost
any movie except for the Slash and Trash stuff like Saw, Halloween etc.

6. I am also an avid reader and have my Kindle DX that I take everywhere. It is nice to carry
100+ books on the plane and never have to worry about what to read and when I am waiting
in the doctors office I never have to read 6 month old magazines.

7. My life's dream is to be a professional tourist....I love vacationing and visiting new places.
Washington State is lovely and Mt Rainier and Mt. St. Helens are a must see! So is
Yellowstone National Park, Glacier, Zion and Bryce Parks. Take advantage of this beautiful
country of ours and see some totally amazing sites.

OK Now for the hard part 15 blogs to choose and honor.

And The Versatile Blogger Award goes to..................
1. My Colorful Treasures Web Designs

2. The Soap Bar

3. Little Lady Bug Design

4. The Sample Shoppe

5. The Soap Queen

Unfortunately, these are the only blogs I read and don't know any others yet.

Website: http://www.bryassoapbox.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/bryassoapbox
Twitter: http://twitter.com/bryassoapbox

April 4, 2011

Soaps, Handmade or Store Bought?

OK hears the deal on SOAP, everybody uses it, from liquid hand soap, body wash to bars. Most people purchase their soap from a grocery store, I used to before I got into making my own. Have you ever read the packaging on your soap? Yeah I know, I have to remember to read the packaging on everything else I purchase, do I really need to read the information on my box of soap?? The answer to that seemingly foolish question is YES! Most of what is in these products are chemicals meant to prolong the shelf life. Listed below are the ingredients in Dove Soap (bar)...

Dove Soap ingredients: Sodium Cocoyl Isethionate, Stearic Acid, sodium Tallowate, Water, sodium Isethonate, Coconut Acid, Sodium Stearate, Cocamidopropyl Bethane, Sodium Cocoate or sodium Palm Kernelate, sodium Chloride, Titanium Dioxide, Sweet Almond Oil, Rosewood Oil, Tetrasodium EDTA, Trisodium Etidronate, BHT, Cedarwood Oil and Rose Oil. It may also contain Disodium Cocamido Mea Suflosuccinate, Cetyl alcohol, and Tocopheryl Acetate.

Just a little more info: Sodium tallowate: basically lye, steam and Animal Fat.

Why would you use all of these chemicals on your body's largest organ??? Yes, that is what your skin is, the largest organ of your body. Your skin is put through enough during the course of a day, it filters all the yucky stuff in the air for a start and when you perspire (ladies do not sweat or so my Gram used to tell me) your skin gets rid of lots of internal toxins. So start using a quality handmade soap (of course I am going to say like I make here on Bryas Specialty Gift Baskets) here is a list of ingredients you will find in my Vegan (absolutely no animal products used), (No Parabens, sodium lauryl sulfate (or similar), no petroleum products or unnatural preservatives) hand made soaps...

Brya's Basket's Handmade Scented Soap ingredients: saponified (meaning heated to mix and bond together lye water and oils) vegetable oils (olive, rice bran, coconut, organic palm and shea butter) fragrance, color (turmeric, iron oxide and/or red clay as in our Cherry Almond soap), rosemary extract (acts as a preservative) and/or natural vitamin E.

Please check out my website for a wonderful selection of handmade, cold processed scented soaps or for those with sensitive skin try my Super Shea soap the only scent this soap has is of the oils used.

Support Independent Soap Makers and wean yourself away from the chemical based soaps

Website: http://www.bryassoapbox.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/bryassoapbox
Twitter: http://twitter.com/bryassoapbox

April 2, 2011

Craft Shows and Cancer Donation

Well my second craft show is over and the total for Bryas Specialty Gift Baskets donation to Breast Cancer Research is now over $56. Yes, I know in the long run, this is not a huge amount; however, the way I look at it every little bit helps. I have another show in 2 weeks so after that show I will be sending in the check.

We have to get behind the fight against this terrible disease. I bet if you asked every one you know they would all say that they either know someone who passed away from some form of Cancer or they know someone who is fighting/just diagnosed with some form of Cancer. The time to fight is NOW. My wish would be for people all over the country to raise money for cancer; lets get our kids involved also, need ideas? How about the traditional Car Wash, Bake Sale, a Pet Wash, a Lemonade Stand, or if you do crafts donate a portion of your sales.

With health care skyrocketing, we can no longer just talk about finding a cure. It is now becoming the responsibility of every American to figure out ways to raise money for the fight against Cancer. I have chosen breast cancer as my best friend has just been diagnosed Stage 2. I lost another friend 2 years ago and a co-workers 46 year old sister just passed away several months ago. I lost my Mom to Ovarian Cancer, so while I am raising money for the fight, I am also going to make sure that I do self breast exams, get annual mammograms and pap tests done. We also have to make sure we are pro-active in our fight also.

Please make sure that you do all of your tests and get all the necessary exams.

Website: http://www.bryassoapbox.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/bryassoapbox
Twitter: http://twitter.com/bryassoapbox

March 25, 2011

Some amaziingly creative women

Well, with Winter really, finally over (I know cause I went & took out the groundhog) we can start to look forward to 60 & 70 degree weather. Maybe we will even get some sun thrown in for good measure.

Since I have been tied to my house by snow, snow, ice and more snow, I have started searching some of my social networking sites to find some amazing women and the businesses they have created. I plan on placing orders with all of these ladies in the future for myself and for gifts. If and when you have time be sure to check their websites out.

http://www.onceuponapuzzle.com Beth makes wonderful story puzzles & is working on making puzzles out of your pictures. You provide the names of your child/grandchild and add some friends and your city, neighborhood and she makes a personalized puzzle out of that information.

http://www.littleladybugdesigns.com Kim designs custom announcements, cards, invitations and more. I am checking with her to get some Loyalty Cards for my Handmade, Cold Processed Soaps. I have seen a Christmas Card that she designed and it was so pretty that I still have it hanging on my 'fridge.

http://www.simplymeltaway.com Kandi makes the most yummy candle melts that I have ever smelled!! Full of fragrance that just doesn't quit and no dyes... this is a Must See site.

My last recomendation is http://www.ourcreativehands.com Rachel and Steve make some adorable dolls and bunnies, the Raggedy Ann and Andy sets are SOOO cute and my Grand-daughter loves hers. Their wooden pieces are so useful, like the peg boards and wooden shelves just wonderful to help train your kids to hang up their coats and shirts. The shelves are nice to hold their small treasures as well as their coats.

Seriously, check out these sites

Website: http://www.bryassoapbox.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/bryassoapbox
Twitter: http://twitter.com/bryassoapbox

March 5, 2011

First Craft Show a Success

Just finished my first craft show of the year...I consider it a success. Of course I didn't make as much as I had hoped but still not bad. Got lots of great comments on the fragrances of my soaps and their appearance. I have to admit that I think my soap has a very pretty look. I was placed next to a very nice lady who was actually my first customer. She had some interesting hand colored prints really beautiful geometric shapes and she used colored pencils instead of using paints they were so gorgeous and very inexpensive. She also used acrylic paints and painted "pet" rocks they were really pretty and those went over very well at the show.

Can't wait for my next show in 2 weeks.

Website: http://www.bryassoapbox.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/bryassoapbox
Twitter: http://twitter.com/bryassoapbox

March 4, 2011

What's New At Bryas

With Winter almost over it is time to get started on signing up for the craft shows in my area. The first one is coming up March 5 (this Saturday) at Loyalsock High School and the next will be March 26 at Williamsport High School, their Spring Show. I am leaving a couple of weekends open since I am also on a mission to get all the rooms in my house painted and my boyfriend wants me to paint his place also. Since he his helping me I have to help him out also.

There are a few new soaps I have done that will be put onto my website in the near future. But we will be waiting until the site is freshened up a bit, Lisa, my web designer, is working on a section of the website to show me what she has in mind. Since I am in need of visual aides and can't picture what she was telling me, Lisa decided to do 1 section of the site then I can deside if I like it or not. Since Lisa is such a great designer I can't imagine not liking it. The newest osaps are Almond Biscotti which is one of my favorites right up there with Orange Hibiscus and Burnt Orange Patchouli, Sunshine Magic, Autumn Apples, Ginger Coconut Almond, Fresh Lime Ginger and one that I am calling (temporarily) May Chang (the name of the Essential Oil used)...I will be having a contest to name this soap and maybe a contest to re-name Sunshine Magic. One contest will be just for my craft shows and the other will be for the Web so check back often for contest details.

I have just taken on 3 new companies, in addition to my own lines and will be adding them to my
website in the future.

Loova Soaps they have some nice sponge soaps; these are actual sponges filled with a glycerine soap nicely scented and their Round Lotion Bars - the lotion bar really melts into your skin and is very fragrant.

SallyeAnders Soaps they have some great scented soaps like Milk and Mint and Almond Goat Milk soap. They also have a line of chocolate soaps which are so YUM! I have Chocolate Orange, Chocolate Mint, Chocolate Raspberry, White Chocolate and plain old Milk Chocolate. I picked this line up at a trade show and I knew how nice the soaps were because our local Natural Health Food Store stocks their Hog Wash soap which is great for anyone who gardens.

La Crema Coffee they have some of the yummiest gourmet coffee, found this company at the Philadelphia Gift Show also. I decided to order their Girlfriends Package and will be offering this on my website also.

Thank you for reading

Website: http://www.bryassoapbox.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/bryassoapbox
Twitter: http://twitter.com/bryassoapbox

Winter, The End Is Near

Well Spring is almost here, I say almost because that Rodent, Phil the groundhog, is a sneaky rat; just when you think you can trust his prediction of no more snow it gets cold and drops 9 inches of the white junk! I am not the hunter type, don't care for guns, think this world would be much better off without guns of any kind......HOWEVER if I see just 1 more snowflake - well let me just say this - Phil, I know where Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania is and I will find you!

OK with my sense of directions, I have been known to get lost in a walk in closet, it may take a while to find good old Phil. But if I can remember to get out my GPS, well I will let you know where to send flowers to the groundhog

Website: http://www.bryassoapbox.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/bryassoapbox
Twitter: http://twitter.com/bryassoapbox

March 1, 2011

Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls

Well, getting home from work last evening I found a package waiting at my door. I quickly dropped everything on the floor, once I got inside the house of course, and tore open the package. There staring up at me were Raggedy Ann and Andy and all of a sudden I had a flash back to the pair of dolls my Aunt Bev made me when I was 5 years old. When I really looked at this pair of soft, smushy, squeezeable dolls, I was able to see all the love and care that the wonderful woman who created this duo put into them. Rachel Vargo, the owner (along with husband, Steve) of Our Creative Hands, http://www.ourcreativehands.com is amazing, their wooden products look beautiful and the dolls are just something else.

My grand-daughter, Kyra is soon to be 6 and she will be the proud recipient of these 2 dolls. I wonder if she will let me play with them??? In a time where everything seems so fast paced and toys that do everything for you, it is nice to have something that you can play with and create your own special world. Ann and Andy lets a child create a world of their own, one where imagination reigns supreme and everything is possible. Much like the beloved Winnie The Pooh, Raggedy Ann and Andy are a part of my fondest childhood memories. Like:

My big brother building me a fort made of sofa cushions and blankets so that my babies and I would have someplace to play make-believe. Always protesting having to crawl around to make sure my fort was just so, with windows and a back door for the cat to come in and out of, 4 years older than me, Fred always made sure everyone knew how put upon he was.....However when my Dad said he would build my forts, my brother made sure Dad knew that it was a brothers job to do that. My Dad, crawling into the fort to tell me that Mommy had supper ready and all us kids (Annie, Pooh, Andy and Me) had to go wash up. The tears when I tossed Annie and Andy (not Pooh, everybody knew that bears washed After supper not before) into the sink and then couldn't bring them to the supper table. And the laughter when my Mom tied the dolls to some twine and hung the twine from the kitchen cupboards the refrigerator door so that the babies could watch us "grown-ups" eat dinner.

Thank you so much, Rachel, for these beautiful dolls, they will be a treasure in my Grand-daughter's life for years to come. Also, thank you for jogging my memories of my Aunt Bev who passed away in 2010, I still have the Raggedy Ann & Andy dolls that she made for me and even though they are stained with dust and dirt smudges you can tell that they were much loved! And the memories of my Mom and Dad and all the silly things they did to make sure my playtime was so memorable. And especially the memories of a big brother doing things for his little sister that he considered beneath him but also that they were his job cuz only a big brother can do certain things. I'm going to call Fred to night just to remind him that his little sister loves him and wishes he could build her another fort just one more time....for old times sake.

Website: http://www.bryassoapbox.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/bryassoapbox
Twitter: http://twitter.com/bryassoapbox

February 21, 2011

Winter came back

OK What is up with this??? I have 9 inches of snow and it is about 31 - 33 degrees just got a phone call at work from someone in West Virginia who just told me the temperature there is 54 and they have NO Snow. I told him "You just drive right up to PA and pick this stuff up!! He said with a laugh, he would be right up .. to go skiing but that I could keep the snow here.

I plan on going ground hog hunting after work....Look out Phil...I'm coming for ya

Website: http://www.bryassoapbox.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/bryassoapbox
Twitter: http://twitter.com/bryassoapbox

February 15, 2011

Raggedy Ann and Andy contest

I don't usually enter contest because I am not the lucky type of person who wins in contests. As an example, my maiden name is unusual and for years growing up in my home town we were the only family with that name. When I turned 16 ang got my drivers license my Mom took a chance on a car that the Lions Club was chancing off. My neighbor came rushing over 1 month later telling my Mom that her daughter won the car. We were so excited, when I got home from school I went to my neighbor and asked what I had to do to get my car. He said, "Well Deb, all you have to do is.... I said my name is Diane not Deb....he said are you sure? Yeah, been Diane all my life....Well then, I am so sorry but you didn't win the car it was won by a woman who moved into my town and bought a Lions Club Ticket and she won my car.

That being said, I am on a mission to win this cute set of Raggedy dolls. My grand daughter would love them. Rachel is so talented, I have tried to sew these dolls and it was a disaster. You have to check out these cute little dolls, just click here http://ourcreativehands.blogspot.com/ and join the contest...

Website: http://www.bryassoapbox.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/bryassoapbox
Twitter: http://twitter.com/bryassoapbox

February 8, 2011

Free Product Samples Available

Here at Bryas Specialty Gift Baskets we are committed to excellence,especially in my hand made bath soap! For the balance of February I am offering a free soap sample or a free bath salt sample for you to try and enjoy. We have several new batches of soap ranging from a yummy scented Almond Biscotti, a pretty Creme Brulee (very light yellow and smells just like the desert), the green Kiwi soap also smells like a ripe Kiwi as well as our 2 best sellers Orange Hibiscus and Burnt Orange Patchouli.

The soap samples available are Key Lime Pie, Mango Papaya, Ocean Breezes, Rosewood, Cranberry Peach Vanilla and our Unscented Super Shea.

The bath salt samples are enough for 1 luxurious bath and the fragrances available are Goddess Baby Phat type (smells like the perfume), Chocolate Raspberry Truffle, Tahitian Gardenia, Birthday Cake (great for Tweens, Cherry Almond and Lavender

Simply send me an email with your address and whether you would like a soap or salt sample. Fragrance choice will be chosen at random.

Since your skin is the largest organ that your body has, let's all make the break from grocery store soaps that are filled with unpronounceable chemicals. Start treating your body the way it deserves with hand made, cold processed soaps that are both beautiful visually and well as fragranced. Keep in mind that some soaps do not make the thick lather that everyone associates with a good soap. The oils used in producing handmade soaps normally determine if the soap will make tons of frothy, bubbly lather.

Website: http://www.bryassoapbox.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/bryassoapbox
Twitter: http://twitter.com/bryassoapbox

January 26, 2011

Join The Fight Against Cancer

With all types of Cancer on the increase, it is past time for everyone to take a stand and decide to fight this disease. For each and every purchase that is made from Bryas Specialty Gift Baskets, we will donate 15% to the Northeastern Pennsylvania Affiliate of the Susan G Koman For The Cure Foundation! As most people know, that foundation is for Breast Cancer and it is the most well known foundation. Once we crack the Cancer Code, we will be on the way to destroying this devastating disease once and for all.

The donations will be made every quarter, if you wish to add the name of a friend or loved one I will add that to the donation letter. To the effect that letter will be a testament to people lost or who have survived or who are still fighting any form of Cancer. My Mother passed away from Ovarian Cancer and my best friend is fighting Breast Cancer, those two will be on the very first donation list. It seems that every person in America knows someone who has had Cancer, the treatment for this disease is as bad as the disease itself and the cost is astronomical. The time to cure it is Now!

PLEASE HELP MAKE A DIFFERENCE!! Join your local For The Cure Group or Relay For Life. Hold a Bake Sale and donate all proceeds to a Cancer Foundation! How about a Car Wash? Summer is coming... how about a Pet Wash! All of these ideas would be a lot of fun for both kids and pets alike.

Website: http://www.bryassoapbox.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/bryassoapbox
Twitter: http://twitter.com/bryassoapbox

January 10, 2011

Trade Shows

Just came back from the Philadelphia Gift Show and had a wonderful time. Unfortunately I took so long trying to decide if I wanted to go to Philadelphia in January that the only hotel rooms available were way to expensive $150 and up. I don't think so.

Why, you might ask, did it take me 4 months to decide if I wanted to drive 3 1/2 to 4 hours from my home town? Very good question - did I mention that the show was in Philadelphia? In January? I had to go by myself? After they had a record snowfall? I hate driving in snow? If I forgot to mention all of that well those are my reasons.

That being said I put on my big girl panties and decided I was going snow or no snow. The show was great and I purchased a lot of new products for my shop/website and have picked up a great line of gourmet coffee that I will be selling online and at my craft shows. A percentage of my sales will be donated to Breast Cancer Awareness in the hopes that we will sometime in this decade cure this beastly disease.

If you read this blog, please recommend my blog to others, recommend my website as a place that gives back to its community as well as national causes and however you choose, try and do your part to make our world a better place.

Website: http://www.bryassoapbox.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/bryassoapbox
Twitter: http://twitter.com/bryassoapbox